Manawai Estate Chocolate (Cacao) Farm & Banana Nut Scones w/ Local...
On my last visit to Maui, there was a flood. A rather large flood, in my house. Something, I’m still unsure, happened upstairs and sent tons if water through the ceiling and walls. It was a disaster of...
View ArticleCatching up.
I know it’s been so long since I’ve shared in this space regularly. In an attempt to get back into it, I’m posting some pictures of various tropical/Hawaiian inspired dishes I made in the last year. I...
View ArticleVegan Portuguese Bean Stew.
Yesterday I landed back on my favorite island, Maui. In the week leading up to my departure I was suddenly inspired to make a few Hawaiian themed dishes, all which you’ve seen if you’ve been following...
View ArticleThe Jolly Fox Returns.
A warm hello, to whoever out there might still be reading! I have been away for a long while and was away for a while before that it seems as well. I’ve come back to tell you all some tales of new...
View ArticleHaleakala National Park & Hawaiian Chik’n Pot Pie with Coconut Milk, Molokai...
A: Do you want to go on a hike? L: Yes! A: Okay, we will go up here around my house L: Okay, sounds good. A: We are not going to go around my house anymore. We’re going up to Haleakala. Do you still...
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